TMJ Dysfunction Holland, MI

TMJ Dysfunction


Finding Relief For Your Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction With Physical Therapy

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) or jaw problems can be the result of multiple influences causing pain in the facial region. The role of physical therapy in helping someone with facial pain is identifying all the factors that are affecting the development of pain in this region.

Central to this issue is determining if the source of pain is within the TM joint or is it external to the joint. In addition, TMD often has influences coming from the neck, upper back, and myofascial trigger points, with posture playing a significant role in these disorders. Physical therapy is the only profession that will analyze the complete system and woxrk with your dentist or oral surgeon to get your problem under control. Associated with this process is helping you understand your unique problem and how to assist yourself with exercise, protective actions, along with stress and relaxation techniques to overcome what can be a difficult situation.

Full Potential Physical Therapy has two experienced physical therapists who have had extensive training in treating the complete cervical/Temporomandibular complex and we are the only facility in the area with this extensive experience.

Our physical therapists are patient-centric and committed to your health, working hard to help you manage and eliminate symptoms. If you are in Holland, MI suffering from the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, request an appointment at Full Potential Physical Therapy Don’t suffer from jaw pain and stiffness any longer.

Related Case Studies

“My jaw doesn’t hurt nearly as badly as it had and I am much more aware of my posture and foods/activities that impact my jaw. I am no longer experiencing daily headaches!”

“I am able to eat and do everyday activities like brushing teeth, flossing, etc., normally and without pain or locking.  My headaches have also been reduced…Very nice staff (at Full Potential). Easy scheduling and good communication. Welcoming to patients. Really good at listening to concerns and giving detailed explanations.”

“My jaw doesn’t hurt nearly as badly as it had and I am much more aware of my posture and foods/activities that impact my jaw. I am no longer experiencing daily headaches!”

A Better Life is Only Four Steps Away

Physical therapy can be an unfamiliar experience for many. To orient new patients to the process, we have divided their rehab journey into four segments called “The Four Phases of Getting Better.” It is important to note that while there are four phases utilized over the course of your care, they are not totally separate. They move gradually toward greater strengthening and function, which is the end goal to return confidently to the life you desire to live.


Pain Relief

The first focus in getting better is pain relief. After your evaluation, your physical therapist will use hands-on techniques or manual therapy, light therapeutic exercise, and education on how to modify your activity and posture in order to give you more control over your pain. In this stage, modalities like ice, heat, myofascial release, electric stimulation and kinesiotape may be used.


Improve Mobility/Flexibility

The second step in this method is to improve mobility and flexibility. Your therapist will design a progressive program of range of motion and light stretching to restore mobility and reduce pain.


Improve Strength/Control

In the third step of this method, muscle weakness will be addressed to help you maintain the gains and momentum you achieve through phases one and two. A thorough strengthening process is the step that gives results that last, and this will prepare you for more functional training – the final step.


Functional Training

Now that your pain is resolved and you have the necessary mobility and strength, your program can be advanced into functional training. Whether you are returning to work, returning to life after post-op rehabilitation, getting back into recreation or sports, or simply returning to the activities of daily life, this step helps ensure your success after graduation and empowers you to be confident in your abilities again.

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