Neck Pain Relief Holland, MI

Neck Pain

Find Relief for Your Neck Pain at Full Potential PT

The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) states that approximately one-third of the population experiences neck pain every year. The neck is an integral part of your everyday movements, and pain there can create undesirable challenges on daily tasks you can usually complete with ease. If left untreated, neck pain can lead to some serious conditions, and surgical correction may even be needed.

Neck and back pain generally occur because of two basic reasons:

  1. A traumatic onset from an accident (motor vehicle, a fall or sports)
  2. Persistent postural strain causing tightness, pressure, and pain.

In regards to a traumatic onset, the head and neck are vulnerable due to being unsupported in space and any kind of force which accelerates and then decelerates the head (whiplash effect) will strain the tissues and joints related to this area. In association with this effect is the neck has many specialized receptors monitoring the forces entering the neck and with a violent accident these can get misprogrammed. This can keep the neck muscles in a state of irritability and guarding. It is important to understand that this situation is not based exclusively on time for healing but is more related to corrective actions directed at the misprogramming. This is one reason why the effects of an accident can linger for years if not treated properly. Physical therapy works to calm these hyperactive muscles and rebuild the postural support mechanism for long-term relief.

The second large category of neck pain is related to ongoing postural strain. Behind this situation are imbalances between muscles in the front of the chest and neck and those in the back. Life is lived in front of us and so many of the muscles in the chest and neck become overdominant and the muscles in the upper back and neck often become longer and weaker. This commonly leads to the typical rounded upper back in many patients which is so characteristic as people age. Tied closely to this posture is a lifestyle or work style of sitting, computers, and video screens which pulls the head forward as an unaware effect. This pattern often has other influences as well with poor upper chest breathing habits which add further strain to the muscles in the front of the neck and chest and even stress from life. Neck and arm pain in all their different presentations, needs a comprehensive approach to change the muscle imbalances related to posture and respiration. Inclusive with this treatment is an education process for the patient related to posture, workstations, lifestyle habits, and relaxation to break the postural imbalance cycle. Physical therapy is the profession that provides this comprehensive approach.


What’s Causing My Pain?

Neck pain is commonly felt from the base of the skull to the top of your shoulder blades, settling in the back of the neck. The pain can vary from mild to severe and can be dull, constant aches, or sharp and stabbing pains.

Additional symptoms that can accompany neck pain include:

  • Loss of sleep due to pain and discomfort
  • Arm weakness
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Inability to fully stand up or sit up straight
  • Discomfort and pain when remaining in the same position for too long
  • Headaches
  • Muscle stiffness and tightness in the upper body

Conditions That May Lead to Neck Pain

There are several conditions that may lead to neck pain. Damage to the tissues or bone structures in the neck is the leading cause of the pain. This damage can occur from a sudden injury or develop over time from repetitive overuse. Certain degenerative diseases may also lead to neck pain.

Some of the most common causes of neck pain include:

  • Illnesses – Certain diseases and ailments can result in neck pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or even cancer.
  • Joint Degeneration – Any joint in your body is susceptible to age-related erosion, and your neck is no exception. Conditions such as osteoarthritis can also reduce the cartilage between the vertebrae in the neck, which can result in moderate to severe pain.
  • Nerve Compression – If you have a herniated disc in your neck, the nerves that branch out from your spinal cord can become compressed. In some cases, nerve pain can even result in “radiculopathy,” which is a condition where pain extends from your neck all the way down to your hands and fingers.
  • Muscle Strains – Overuse can cause the muscles in the back of your neck to become strained. Even something as simple as sitting at your desk all day with your neck craned toward the computer screen can lead to a strain in your neck muscles.
  • Injuries – Whiplash is one of the most common injuries resulting in neck pain. It is referred to as “strain” injury, due to the rapid back-and-forth motion that the neck experiences. Whiplash is most commonly sustained in car accidents or high-impact sport collisions, and it affects the soft tissues in the back of the neck.

Conditions We Treat:

  • Neck pain
  • Radiculopathy
  • Disk herniation
  • Stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Facet syndrome
  • Myofascial pain
  • Postural imbalance/weakness
  • Rib dysfunctions
  • Arm numbness/tingling
  • Headaches

Find Relief Today

Don’t let your pain limit your life any longer – contact Full Potential Physical Therapy in Holland, MI physical therapy office today to schedule your consultation. Get started on the path toward recovery and experience neck pain relief with Full Potential Physical Therapy!

A Better Life is Only Four Steps Away

Physical therapy can be an unfamiliar experience for many. To orient new patients to the process, we have divided their rehab journey into four segments called “The Four Phases of Getting Better.” It is important to note that while there are four phases utilized over the course of your care, they are not totally separate. They move gradually toward greater strengthening and function, which is the end goal to return confidently to the life you desire to live.


Pain Relief

The first focus in getting better is pain relief. After your evaluation, your physical therapist will use hands-on techniques or manual therapy, light therapeutic exercise, and education on how to modify your activity and posture in order to give you more control over your pain. In this stage, modalities like ice, heat, myofascial release, electric stimulation and kinesiotape may be used.


Improve Mobility/Flexibility

The second step in this method is to improve mobility and flexibility. Your therapist will design a progressive program of range of motion and light stretching to restore mobility and reduce pain.


Improve Strength/Control

In the third step of this method, muscle weakness will be addressed to help you maintain the gains and momentum you achieve through phases one and two. A thorough strengthening process is the step that gives results that last, and this will prepare you for more functional training – the final step.


Functional Training

Now that your pain is resolved and you have the necessary mobility and strength, your program can be advanced into functional training. Whether you are returning to work, returning to life after post-op rehabilitation, getting back into recreation or sports, or simply returning to the activities of daily life, this step helps ensure your success after graduation and empowers you to be confident in your abilities again.

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